The Board
The Board is appointed under the auspices of the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act (YESAA).
Among the Board, the Chair of the Board and two Board members form the Executive Committee, which has a number of responsibilities under the Act. The Board is appointed by the federal Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs after seeking the views of the Federal Minister of Environment and Climate Change.
YESAB’s Governance Framework outlines the roles, responsibilities and relationships between the Board, Executive Committee, Panels of the Board, management and administration as well as a process for priority setting within the organization.
Read about the By-laws of the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board here.
Read Yukon Environmental and Socio-Economic Assessment Board’s Conflict of Interest Policy here.
Appointments to the Board
Prior to the appointments, nominations to the Board are made as specified in the legislation (YESAA).
One member of the Executive Committee is nominated by the Council of Yukon First Nations (CYFN) and one member is nominated by the territorial government. The third member of the Executive Committee, the Chair, is appointed after the federal minister consults with the other two Executive Committee members.
Of the four remaining Board members, two are nominated by CYFN, one is nominated by the territorial government and the fourth is a direct appointment by the federal minister.
Members of the Board
Stephen Rose is a seasoned governance and strategic planning professional dedicated to fostering responsible development while safeguarding environmental and socio-economic interests. Stephen’s extensive background encompasses various facets of the corporate and public sector including financial operations, policy development, communications, Information Technology, and human resources. During his career, Stephen has been instrumental in fostering collaborative relationships between industry stakeholders, governmental bodies, non-governmental, and First Nations organizations. He served the Government of Yukon in various roles including Assistant Deputy Minister, Corporate Planning and Economic Policy, and Assistant Deputy Minister of Operations at Department of Economic Development, until his retirement in December 2018.
Stephen, as the Chair of the Board for YESAB, aims to prioritize engagement with Board members, staff, stakeholders, and the community at large when assessing environmental and socio-economic impacts of crucial projects. With a commitment to the community’s well-being and honoring the perspectives of First Nations, Stephen will take a collaborative approach that ensures thorough assessments and sustainable decisions.
Bryony McIntyre is an experienced land and resource management professional who endorses sustainable and integrated development that respects the interests of the public and key participants in the process.
She worked for the Yukon government in key management positions for over 27 years. Bryony worked in a variety of positions in the Lands Management Branch, Aboriginal Relations Branch and the Mineral Resources Branch.
These positions and duties have provided Bryony with experience working will all levels of governments (Federal, YG, First Nations and municipal), various Yukon Boards and Committees, key industry stakeholders, NGO’s and the public. Since retiring from the Yukon government public service Bryony has worked with First Nations, Yukon and City of Whitehorse on specific policy contracts and projects relating to land and resource management. Bryony was also appointed to YESAB in 2017 as a regular board member until 2020, when she was appointed to the Executive Committee of the Board.
Dennis Nicloux is a citizen of the First Nation of Na-Cho Nyak Dun. He was born and raised in Mayo, Yukon and has spent most of his life living and working in the community. Dennis has over 10 years of combined experience working in the energy and mining sectors; 9 years of experience serving his First Nation as an elected Council member on the First Nations governing Council; and, over 5 years of public administration experience in Yukon First Nation governments managing housing, lands and resource portfolios. In his elected and management roles at the First Nation of Na-cho Nyak Dun, Dennis participated in various intergovernmental forums and committees, contributed to numerous planning and negotiation processes, and several significant intergovernmental agreements. In addition to his government and private sector experience, Dennis has spent most of his life on the land, hunting, fishing and trapping and participating in traditional cultural activities. Dennis has been actively trapping in the Mayo region for most of his life.
Roberta Joseph is a lifelong Yukoner and member of the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Nation in Dawson City, Yukon. From 2014-2023, Miss Joseph served as the Chief of the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Government. In conjunction with these terms, Miss Joseph had previously served two terms on the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in (TH) Council, as an elected Councillor from 2005-2010. While being a public servant, she was responsible for holding various department portfolios through each term, including Deputy Chief, Implementation, Education, Health and Social, Human Resources and Employment and Training, Economic Development, Natural Resources, and Finance and Capital.
In conjunction with her former position as chief, Miss Joseph dedicated nearly 34 years working for First Nations; several with Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Government, in the Department of Natural Resources as the TH Fish and Wildlife Manager/Coordinator, additionally, she worked for the Council of Yukon First Nations as the Director of Finance and Administration including a variety of occupations therein. Through these opportunities, Miss Joseph was inspired, influenced and mentored by past Yukon First Nation Elders and leaders who instilled in her the important mandates and objectives of the land claims; to work diligently to assist with the implementation of modern treaties and self-government agreements, and contribute to the protection of First Nation’s rights, interests, culture and heritage values. As well, Miss Joseph had committed numerous years to various Boards and Committees such as Porcupine Caribou Management Board, Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Trust, Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Justice Administration Committee, YFN Chief’s Committee on Education and Moosehide Gathering Committee. While in the position as chief, she served on the Yukon First Nations Chief’s Committee on Mining, National Assembly of First Nation’s, Chief’s Committee on the Environment and Climate Change, and the Yukon Assembly of First Nations, Executive Chief’s Committee.
She is a strong supporter of her Nation’s cultural aspirations, is a member of the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Hän Singers and actively participates or volunteers at many community culture initiatives throughout Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in traditional territory. The experience she endured over the years includes corporate knowledge, experience in making strategic decisions; financial management, economic development and a great understanding of First Nations and Indigenous groups, their community values and priorities.
Dianna Mueller is a Tlingit woman of the Carcross/Tagish First Nation, from the Kookhittaan Clan, of the Crow Moiety.
Born and raised in the Yukon, her mother was Marion Huebschwerlen and grandmother was Margret Breton (Carvill).
She worked at the Federal public service commission for 3 years prior to working at the Yukon Water Board for 12 Years in Administration, as a Licensing Officer and Manager, where they used to complete assessments under the federal government environmental assessment (ERPGO) and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA), prior to the implementation of YESSA.
Upon devolution in 2003, Dianna moved to the government of Yukon. where she worked at the Yukon Placer Secretariat (YPS) of the department of Energy, Mines and Resources as the Adaptive Management Coordinator and Manager for 10 Years. In 2009 YPS was amalgamated within Energy, Mines and Resources, Compliance Monitoring & Inspections where she worked as the Assessment & Regulatory Compliance Officer for 5 years, after which she retired with 30 years of service.
In these positions, Dianna worked with different organizations in the mining Industry, First Nations, NGOs, UFA Boards and other governments to complete water shed authorizations.
On the personal side, she and her husband and started, owned, and operated Sigedi Gifts and Things, a gift and souvenir shop in the Horwoods Mall from 2002 to 2013.
Dianna has raised two wonderful children. She is an outdoorsy person enjoying berry picking, fishing, hunting and the occasional trip to the family trapline. Her family has also been fortunate enough to do a fair amount of travelling to some beautiful, warm, and sunny destinations.
Tim is an experienced environmental professional with a background in environmental policy research and development, natural resources management, and public administration. Much of his career has been spent working in policy environments related to impact assessment, including project-based, strategic, and regional approaches to assessment.
Tim served as the Executive Director of YESAB for over eight years prior to his retirement in 2022. He also worked as a regulator and Chief of Mining Land Use with the Yukon government and as a senior policy advisor with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (now the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada), Environment Canada and the Nova Scotia Department of the Environment.
Tim is interested in the continuing evolution and development of the assessment framework in the Yukon, ensuring that it effectively meets the full spirit and intent of First Nation Final Agreements and YESAA in a manner that enables responsible development and balanced growth.