Assessment process resources

  • Process flowcharts
    Click here to view Designated Office process flowchart
    Click here to view Executive Committee process flowchart
    Click here to view Panel process flowchart
  • Yukon Guide for Developing Water Quality Objectives and Effluent Quality Standards for Quartz mining projects
    Yukon has developed a guide for Developing Water Quality Objectives and Effluent Quality Standards for Quartz Mining Projects. The “Guide” provides technical and scientific guidance about approaches and procedures for developing Water Quality Objectives (WQOs) for freshwater ecosystems in Yukon. It also describes methods for using the WQOs to derive Effluent Quality Standards (EQSs) that can be applied in water licenses.
    Click here to access the guide was developed for application to quartz mining projects but the approaches and procedures are equally relevant to other types of activities that may affect water quality
  • Pre-Submission Engagement for Executive Committee Screenings
    This User Guide helps proponents and participants in the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act (YESAA) assessment process understand the Pre-Submission Engagement (PSE) process. It sets out information on the PSE process framework and requirements, and on how it was developed. The guide is a working document and will be reviewed and updated periodically.
    Click here to access the user guide (October, 2022)
  • ATIP: A Guide to Access to Information and Privacy Applications to YESAB
    The Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board (YESAB) is subject to the federal Access to Information Act (ATIA) and Privacy Act (PA) and required to respond to official requests for access to records and personal information, commonly referred to as ATIP requests.
    Click here to access ATIP: A Guide to Access to Information and Privacy Applications to YESAB
  • Personal and Relational Safety reports
    With the purpose of developing Yukon-specific knowledge in response to the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls in Canada (“MMIWG”) Calls for Justice, YESAB issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) in April 2021 to conduct an Evaluation of the effects of industrial activities on the personal safety of Indigenous and non-Indigenous women and girls and LGBTQ2S+ persons in Yukon (the study).
    The primary objective of the study was to develop a comprehensive research report and assessment tool that would assist YESAB assessors in following key areas:

    -Identify the pathway(s) to adverse effects of industrial activities to the personal safety of Indigenous and non-Indigenous women and girls and LGBTQ2S+ persons (Affected Persons) in Yukon communities and within the industrial workplace;
    -Better understand the cause-and-effect relationships of industrial activities on the personal safety of Affected Persons;
    -Evaluate the effectiveness of the recently recommended terms and conditions to mitigate the adverse effects of industrial activities on personal safety; and
    -Provide current Yukon-specific information to inform future assessments.
    -The study was completed in September 2022. YESAB recognizes that further work both internally and externally is needed to implement the study’s recommendations.

    Read the literature review here

    Read the synthesis research report here

    Read about the assessment tool here

    Read YESAB’s response to the assessment tool recommendations here

    Should you require any further information or clarification, please contact Executive Director, Kent Bretzlaff, at the YESAB Head Office at 867-668-6420 or by email at

  • Model Documentation Report
    Environmental and socio-economic assessments investigate potential effects of a project within the context of existing and future conditions. Modelling is a vital tool for estimating baseline conditions and predicting project effects. YESAB has developed a guide to provide guidance for proponents and their modellers in developing and submitting proper documentation of models in the form of a model documentation report.

    Click here to read proponent’s guide to Model Documentation Report (May 2016)

  • Geohazards and Risk: Linear Infrastructure
    YESAB has developed a guide for proponents planning projects that are subject to assessment of large scale linear development in Yukon such as access roads, railways, pipelines or transmission lines. It provides a rationale for conducting geohazard risk analysis when undertaking large scale linear infrastructure (or small scale where a known hazard exists) like road building and pipeline routing, and speaks to geohazard and risk information necessary to conduct an assessment.

    Click here to access the proponent’s guide to Geohazards and Risk: Linear Infrastructure (August 2015)