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YESAB’s Consideration of Cumulative Effects in YESAB Assessments was updated in June 2021. The new Bulletin revises and replaces the information bulletin entitled “Consideration of Cumulative Effects in YESAB Assessments”, released in July 2019 and amended in...
YESAB’s Prise en compte des effets cumulatifs dans les évaluations du YESAB a été mis à jour en décembre 2020 pour mieux refléter les pratiques actuelles. Le YESAB a défini les critères pour déterminer les activités susceptibles d’être menées aux...
This Information Bulletin (Bulletin) describes the environmental andsocio-economic assessment methodology utilized by the Yukon Environmental and Socio- economic Assessment Board (YESAB). The intent of this Bulletin is to provide an overview of the...
Determining the significance of the effects associatedwith proposed projects is a central tenet in environmentaland socio-economic assessment. It is also one of the most challenging aspects of assessment. This Information Bulletin describes the framework for...