Designated Office process
Yukon is divided into six assessment districts with a Designated Office (DO) in each district. DOs are located in: Dawson City, Haines Junction, Mayo, Teslin, Watson Lake and Whitehorse.
Click here to access the assessments districts map
The DOs carry out evaluations of projects and conduct the majority of assessments under YESAA.
Taking guidance from the Act, the YESAB Rules and operating guidelines, the DOs are independently responsible to carry out evaluations and make recommendations for a wide variety of projects.
The DOs will be the primary point of contact for project assessments and can provide information and assistance to all those involved in the YESAA assessment process.
What you need to know before submitting a project proposal to a Designated Office:
You will be required to provide information about yourself, your company and the project, including all associated activities, project alternatives, project location, existing environmental and socio-economic conditions, potential effects of the project and any proposed mitigative measures.
Project Proposal:
A project proposal for a Designated Office evaluation contains information about the proposed project, where it will be located, how it will be accomplished, when it will occur and other information that will be considered by the assessor while conducting an evaluation. To help you submit the appropriate information, a project proposal form is provided. Go to the Project Proposal Forms located on the right side of this page and determine which form is appropriate for your project.
Click here to access the proponent’s guide to Project Proposal Submission to a Designated Office
Click here to access Agent Consent Form
Submit a project proposal form for a Designated Office evaluation:
Project proposal forms for a Designated Office submission can be found and submitted directly online at Once the appropriate project proposal form has been chosen and completed, review the information for completeness and accuracy. Use the relevant guidance documents, and YESAB staff to assist in providing adequate information for an evaluation by a Designated Office.
When the project proposal form is complete, you may submit it to a Designated Office by:
You will be notified when your project proposal form is received at the Designated Office. An assessor will then determine the adequacy of the proposal. Once it has been deemed adequate the evaluation can proceed.
Click to download and complete a project proposal form. For a sector-specific form, click here for forestry and here for land dispositions.
Click here to access the proponent’s guide to completing a Forestry Project Proposal
Click here to access the proponent’s guide to completing a Land Disposition Project proposal
To complete and submit the general project proposal form directly online go to
Tools to Assist in Completing a Project Proposal Form
- Yukon Revegetation Manual
- Government of Yukon Socio-economic Web Portal
- Department of Fisheries and Oceans Operational Statements for British Columbia and Yukon
- Yukon Planning Regions map
- Local Area Plans and Development Regulations
- Whitehorse Official Community Plan
- Guidebook of Mitigation Measures for Placer Mining in Yukon
- Yukon Water Board
What to expect during the evaluation process
Once you have submitted the project proposal form, you may be asked for additional information. Expect to be contacted at different stages of the evaluation to clarify information within the proposal or answer questions from assessors. You will be able to track the entire process, including public comments, on the YESAB Online Registry (YOR) or at the Designated Office. As you move through the process you will be notified of any changes in the timeline and the stage of the evaluation.
Access the detailed process flowchart here
Timeline for Designated Office evaluation
The time required for a project proposal to be reviewed and assessed is dependent on the level of detail provided by proponents.
YESAB maintains a collection of assessment statistics to help proponents understand the average time it may take to complete an assessment. The statistics published here are estimates that use 90% of the projects assessed by YESAB for a specific timeframe. This gives proponents and participants a realistic estimate that they can use to plan and prepare their project proposals.
Click here to learn about Designated Office Assessment Statistics.
How to help the evaluation move along efficiently
- Contact the Regulator(s) early to discuss the project and determine if an assessment is required.
- Meet with YESAB prior to submitting your application and confirm level of detail required.
- Meet with any affected First Nation to discuss proposed project.
- Include detailed information within your application to ensure information requirements are met.
- Track your assessment via the YOR and respond to information requests in a timely manner.
- Keep in contact with the Designated Office throughout the assessment.