Do you require an assessment?


Generally, a new project that takes place in Yukon will require an assessment if a permit or authorization is required.

Specifically, a project will require an assessment under the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act (YESAA) if the following three conditions are met:

1) The project will be located in Yukon.

2) The  YESAA regulations list the project activity as subject to assessment and do not exempt the activity, or a declaration that the activity is subject to assessment is made under Section 48 of the  Act.

3) One or more of the following circumstances are present:

  1. a federal agency or federal independent regulatory agency is the proponent;
  2. a territorial agency, municipal government, territorial independent regulatory agency or first nation is the proponent and an authorization or the grant of an interest in land would be required for the activity to be undertaken by a private individual;
  3. an authorization or the grant of an interest in land by a government agency, independent regulatory agency, municipal government or first nation is required for the activity to be undertaken; or
  4. an authorization by the Governor in Council is required for the activity to be undertaken.

Prior to submitting a project proposal, confirm that an authorization is required by reviewing the Government of Yukon’s Permit and Authorization Guide and contacting the relevant regulator. Regulators and YESAB assessors can help you determine whether your project requires an assessment.