Please visit our job board at Collage to see current openings.
Information on contract opportunities at YESAB is now located at www.yesab.ca/contracts
Board appointments:
Appointment Opportunities: https://www.rcaanc-cirnac.gc.ca/eng/1539291449252/1539291543881
Ministerial Appointments: https://www.rcaanc-cirnac.gc.ca/eng/1100100011054/1539294603700#h2-2
To apply
Please send the following items to the contact listed below:
- For all boards, an explanation of your relevant knowledge and experience and on which Board(s) you are interested in serving.
- An up-to-date résumé that includes your contact information, and a detailed chronology regarding relevant experience.
Yukon Boards and Committees
Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada
Yukon Regional Office
300 Main Street, Room 415C
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2B5
Telephone: 1-867-667-3264
Toll free: 1-800-661-0451
Notice of Opportunity – YESAB Board and Panel Members
Council of Yukon First Nations, Government of Canada and Government of Yukon are accepting applications from persons willing to sit on the Yukon environmental and Socioeconomic Assessment Board (YESAB) with the intention of conducting a Panel of the Board Review under the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act (YESAA).
Currently YESAB has one Panel of the Board Review for the proposed Casino Mine Project. More information on this project can be found here.
To get more details about the opportunity, click here.
Read about the By-laws of the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board here.
Read about YESAB’s Conflict of Interest Policy here.